Velo Vision Bakfiets Review

Here's a link to the digital version of a recent Bakfiets review from the fine folks at Velo Vision, an absolutely superb publication for information on specialized cycles, bicycles as transport and human powered vehicles.
Be sure to check out and/or subscribe to their new digital edition - a real boon for those of us in the United States.
(thanks to Scott for helping my find this!)
My apologies if this is not precisely the most appropriate place for such a suggestion, but I do hope at some point the future Clever Cycles retail store would be able to carry Velo Vision. Of all the cities in North America that would appreciate it, Portland, OR seems to top the list.
I'll give the guys at Clever Cycles a friendly reminder next time I run into them. I'm sure they're very aware of the magazine as Todd Fahrner, one of the owners, has contributed to Velo Vision in the recent past on a kid seat and stoker outfit he put on his Brompton.
yeah, shortly after I found the article, I had some correspondence with them about subscribing. You can either subscribe digitally or through on of their North American distributors. If I recall correctly, the hard copy was not very much more than the digital one--and you get to keep the hard copies. The digital copies are only available as long as your subscription is current.
I'm really liking the digital subscription. Very searchable and no more magazines to hide from the kids to keep them from cutting them up into craft projects! I'll probably archive articles of interest in pdf in case needed later.
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