Friday, April 06, 2007
Previous Posts
- Guest Post - Bird Dogfiets
- Clever Cycles in Holland - December 2006
- Submit your Bakfiets photos
- Dutch Bakfietsen on Photobucket
- A Bakfiets Stamp
- Velo Vision Bakfiets Review
- Old School Dutch Cargobike
- Bikes Hauling Bikes...
- More PDX sightings: Old Town Pizza Bakfiets
- CleverCycles Bakfiets shipment arrives in PDX
That is a wonderful little video. I can not wait to be in Portland again to see these in person. Hopefully yet this summer - rod in nebraska
That is awesome!
Alright Dean and Todd... Are you ready to source these and carry them in your shop? :)
anybody know who makes it?
no idea... but I'm trying to solve the riddle...
Why is there a picture of her on this flickr page?
Har du set denne transportfiets blog?
Thanks for the great link, James. I want some of those white tires for my J&O. Todd says Schwalbe is making some. Did you ever sell your Pashley?
I saw one of these about a month ago on top of a car on SE 58th near division. I've been wishing ever since that I had stopped and asked about it!
Matt M
I think it must be made by Loeki. There are several of these on the Dutch site...
A search of the Loekie site at doesn't yield any current Kinderbakfiets model, though a Google search on the term picks up a bunch of photos of little bikes like this... Does anyone know if production was discontinued for some reason? Maybe they weren't safe or didn't sell well???
You mean the cream schwalbe delta cruisers? A while back someone was selling the 635 and 590s on ebay. I should have bought some.
No. I haven't sold it yet.
I've started working on the replacement. It's going to look like a deutsche post bike.
According to Piet of eBay's Dutch Bikerstore:
"I know these ones,but Loekie has stopped with these selling.
It`s a very small very market here,so we also stopped selling with these
bikes a few years ago."
Hi Richard,
nice Cargobike blog with excellent pictures! I like it.
But this is not meant to be an "official" comment on your blog (please discard it...). I just wanted to draw your attention to my humble Long John workbike pages on
Long Johns are (more or less) the Danish ancestors of modern Dutch Cargobikes, so maybe you´ll like some of the stuff on my website.
Yep, Loekie has stopped production of this cute little bakfiets. We keep threatening to make a kid sized transport bikes... but its not high on the priorities. First we'll get our new transport bike on the market, and then improvements to the Bakfiets Cargobike, and then...
You'll be able to follow (some of) the progress on our blog:
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